Municipal Waste Municipal Waste - Dropped Out

Sick of alarms that wake me up
I'm sick of school I hate the bus
So fed up with all these daily things
That teacher's push inside my brain
I sit and close my eyes and count the seconds that go past
Just to go home to some dumb asshole that wants to beat my ass
Dropped out - Dropped out
A shitty day again
My family sucks - I got no friends
I need a break - A fast escape
To drop out of the human race
Fuck my school - Screw my work
This town is sucking all I'm worth
I need to fucking drop out man
My backs against the wall!
In a rut just can't tell - If this is school or really hell
I wanna fucking drop out man - I wanna end it all
Sick of alarms that wake me up
I'm sick of school I hate the bus
So fed up with all these daily things
That teacher's push inside my brain
Dropped out - Dropped out